English: The seven wonders of the ancient world (from left to right, top to bottom): the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
Español: Las siete maravillas del mundo antiguo (de izquierda a derecha y de arriba a abajo): la Gran Pirámide de Guiza, los Jardines Colgantes de Babilonia, el Templo de Artemisa en Éfeso, la Estatua de Zeus en Olimpia, el Mausoleo de Halicarnaso, el Coloso de Rodas y el Faro de Alejandría.
This is a montage image of the Seven Wonders of the World (ancient version) compiled by this uploader, Slof. This was compiled for the informational purpose on the subject provided by its contents. The seven individual images were obtained from Wikipedia, 6 of which are deemed public domain by their respective uploaders.
Top right (Hanging Gardens of Babylon): Uploaded by Abhi madhani. The artist, Martin Heemskerck, died more than 100 years ago, ergo the work is in the public domain.
Second row, left (Temple of Artemis): Uploaded by Abhi madhani. The artist, Martin Heemskerck, died more than 100 years ago, ergo the work is in the public domain.
Second row, right (Statue of Zeus at Olympia): Uploaded by Yuma. The artist, Martin Heemskerck, died more than 100 years ago, ergo the work is in the public domain.
Third row, left (Mausoleum of Maussollos): Uploaded by Abhi madhani. The artist, Martin Heemskerck, died more than 100 years ago, ergo the work is in the public domain.
Third row, right (Colossus of Rhodes): Uploaded by Abhi madhani. The artist, Martin Heemskerck, died more than 100 years ago, ergo the work is in the public domain.
Bottom (Lighthouse of Alexandria): Uploaded by Abhi madhani. The artist, Martin Heemskerck, died more than 100 years ago, ergo the work is in the public domain.
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== Summary == This is a montage image of the Seven Wonders of the World (ancient version) compiled by this uploader, Slof. This was compiled for the informational purpose on the subject provided by its contents. The seven individual imag
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